Mountain Meadow Herbs

Herbal Iron (( NOTE: This product has been replaced with Fe-Max Iron Tonic Phytosynergist®

  • Size: 2oz

Regulates Iron Metabolism

• Gentle herbs high in iron
• Easy on the stomach
• Safe for all ages


Iron contributes to restful nights and a general sense of well-being. Women are more likely than men to be iron-deficient and Herbal Iron is an effective way to increase intake, especially when foods high in iron are difficult to eat (common during pregnancy.)

The simple and gentle combination of herbs in this formula are non-constipating and easy on the stomach, making it ideal for the whole family.


0-2 yrs: 5-10 drops, 1-3 times daily.

3-11 yrs: 1/8 tsp 1-3 times daily.

12+ yrs: 1/4 tsp 1-3 times daily.


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