The digestive system is one the most vital parts of the human body. It breaks down food and helps the body absorb vital nutrients that keep the body alive and healthy. Without the proper nutrients in the body sickness and disease take a toll. Thus for maximum health, proper digestion is extremely important. Because of the modern food system and modern cooking practices, a lot of nutrients get lost and the digestive organs suffer. Thus, unless you have access to an exceptionally healthy diet, using supplements for digestion is needful. Hippocrates said centuries ago, "All disease begins in the gut." So taking care your body in how it processes food will go a long way and potentially prevent a myriad of problems. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. Take a few digestive supplements on a daily basis is much better than spending thousand of dollars on recovering from all kinds of diseases. Beside the quality of life is much better when the digestive tract is healthy and happy.